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How to Ignite Creativity in Students

How to Ignite Creativity in Students

As the world rapidly evolves, we face constant changes in technology, the global economy, health and the environment at large. The importance of igniting creative impulses in the students to fit into the ever-dynamic world we find ourselves in cannot be over-emphasized as creativity and abstract thinking have become prerequisites in a student’s repertoire of skills needed for the future of society.

Creativity is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas. Creativity enables you to look at things from a unique perspective, solve complex problems or find interesting ways to approach tasks.

However, for a robust and adequate practice of creativity, a safe environment is needed. An environment of free-mindedness where risk-taking is encouraged.

 As a teacher or a parent, it is up to you to establish this kind of supportive classroom and home in other to foster and encourage analytical and growth mindset in students.

 These points can help to ignite, develop and nurture students’ creativity:

1: Create a conducive environment: Create a good and compassionate environment where there is room for mistakes and corrections.

2: Trigger their curiosity: Make Children question things around them.

3: Understand your students: Understanding what your child or student has a passion for will also help them and give room for adequate development.

4: Create meaningful assignments and group projects: This can encourage brainstorming and improve problem-solving skills.

5: Encourage autonomy and give constructive feedback: Give constructive feedback and encourage more trials.

6: Parents should limit screen time: This will help them to know that there are other forms of entertainment outside the screen.

7: Model Creativity: Use creative methods and strategies while teaching. Above all, let them see the passion in how you teach.

8: Give them free time and space: After teaching, give them breathing space to explore their imagination and find answers on their own.

9: Encourage multiple ways to solve problems: This will help them think out of the box when faced with any challenge.

10: Encourage hard work and creativity among students: Tell students that creative people must imagine, struggle, and re-imagine to become successful.

In addition, creativity doesn’t need to be a subject of its own, it should be weaved into every aspect of teaching and learning.

It is crucial that we help the future generation of problem solvers to overcome some of the world’s toughest obstacles by thinking in new and creative ways with bold ideas and keeping impossibilities far away from their minds.

How to Ignite Creativity in Students

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hmmm… brilliant ideas!

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