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<strong>7 Effective Note-Taking Tips Every Student Should Know</strong>

7 Effective Note-Taking Tips Every Student Should Know

Considering the dynamic nature of a classroom whereby important information flows endlessly, it is paramount that every student master the act of effective note-taking in other to sift out the key points from the details. Note-taking, however, is the practice of writing down or otherwise recording key points of information for future purposes. Note-taking can be done in either digital or handwritten format.

However, people tend to compare between handwritten notes and digital notes, which is more effective. Research suggests that handwritten notes can help us learn and remember conceptual items better than digital notes. Meanwhile, whatever method or strategies students choose, the key is having information in their own words they can return to later when they need to review and study.

Oftentimes, students may ask how they can identify the main points of a lecture. They find it hard to determine what to write down and also to devise an effective strategy to take good notes. However, fret not, for this write-up will transform your note-taking experience into a more efficient and fruitful one.

Here are some tips for recognizing the most important points in a lecture:

  • Introductory remarks: This often includes summaries of overviews of main points.
  • Repeated words: Repeated words or concepts are often important. If an idea or topic is stressed as important by your teacher, ensure to highlight the point.
  • Specific Instructions: Information you are being instructed by your teacher to take special note of or treat as important.
  • Final remarks: This often provides a summary of the important points of the lecture.

Importance of effective note-taking

Indeed, taking good notes in class is an important part of academic success in school. Actively taking notes during class can help you focus and better understand the main concepts. The act of writing engages different parts of the brain, forging new pathways that help students think about information when writing and retain information in long-term memory.

Aside from its importance in the four walls of the classroom, note-taking is also a very relevant skill that can help children throughout their lives. As adults, most jobs, conferences, official meetings, and other activities require one to be able to take notes and refer back to them when necessary. So it’s important that every student is taught these effective note-taking techniques in order to help them succeed later in life.

Below are 7 effective note-taking strategies every student should know:

  1. Briefly review notes from previous class sessions to help you easily assimilate the new ideas you’ll learn in the new class. Note-taking becomes easier when you already have some understanding or awareness of the material.
  2. Focus on jotting the main points of the lesson. Listen for keywords and phrases, and paraphrase what you hear so it makes sense to you except where information needs to be noted exactly but don’t try to frantically write everything you hear.
  3. Take visually clear, concise, organized, and structured notes so that they are easy to read and make sense to you later.
  4. If you want your notes to be concise and brief, use abbreviations and symbols. Write in bullets and phrases instead of complete sentences. This will help your mind and hand to stay fresh during class and will help you access things easily and quicker after class.
  5. Use colour, abbreviations, and symbols to mark structure and emphasis for frequently used words, phrases, or names that are useful for note-taking in lectures when speed is essential.
  6. If you miss something, write keywords, skip a few spaces, and get the information later. Leave a space on the page for your own notes and comments.
  7. Write down and ask your teacher any questions that came up from the reading or lecture. This will help clear up any potential gaps in your understanding and make you focus on those parts of the material you need help strengthening.


a crucial part of good note-taking tips includes revisiting your notes a day or so after class. During this time, check for clarity, fill in definitions of key terms, organize, and figure out any concepts you may have missed or need to add or even ask about.  Also note that even after good note-taking, you will need to utilize other reading materials in other to enhance and solidify the lessons learnt.

In conclusion, effective note-taking is a crucial skill for every student. While it may be challenging to capture every main concept perfectly during class, what matters most is understanding and proper utilization of the information passed across. By incorporating these seven effective tips into your note-taking routine, you’ll not only improve your comprehension and retention ability but also set yourself up for success in your academic journey.

What note-taking tips help your students succeed in the classroom?

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. I love this. Nice one.

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