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6 Buzzwords for Teachers in 2022

6 Buzzwords for Teachers in 2022

Every institution and industry have buzzwords that are unique to them. In the last few years, the education industry actively made use of words like digital learning, hybrid-teaching, blended classrooms, etc. Knowing these buzzwords for teachers shows that you pay attention to new trends in your industry. Your passion and interest in your job are evident if you do this.

Here are some buzzwords that you need to know in 2022. As well as their meanings and applications.

2022 Buzzwords for Teachers

Data-Driven Teaching– This may seem like overused jargon but give it a minute. The data referred to here allows you to evaluate your students’ topical knowledge after each class. Give an online test after the class, this makes it fun. It should be done and submitted online. The platform helps grade the assignments but also shows you what your students know or do not know. It will also show you how long it took each student to understand the concepts and if they needed to review the lessons again in order to answer. Data-driven teaching helps you know what topics to repeat, proceed to and which students need individual or group assistance.

Outdoor Learning– It is a buzzword that will probably keep reoccurring because of its effectiveness. Students learn better when some level of creativity and spontaneity is introduced into the processes. Plus, classroom learning can become routine very easily so it is always nice to change the pace every other day. Outdoor learning is employable for most school subjects, you just need to think of an angle. For instance, take your students out during an essay class and paint a picture around the things they interact with every school day. Then give them a writing task, stand back and behold the wonders of their imaginative minds.

Self-Paced Classrooms– Students learn at different paces and with unique styles. In order to carry everyone along you must be in the know of your student’s strengths and weaknesses. This way you can curate lessons that allow them to learn and assimilate better. The lessons should focus on their strength but challenge their weaknesses. Students are individuals so it is important to appeal to them on that level. This is also be called Personalized Learning.

2022 Buzzwords for Teachers

Growth Mindset– The norm has been that there are intelligent and dull students. So the expectations from the intelligent students are high while those from the dull students are low. A growth mindset encourages a new belief that intelligence and performance can be improved. Approaching your lesson preparations with this mindset creates room for your students as individuals. Encouraging and motivating your students to do better will boost their ability to learn more effectively. The important key is to fix your mindset first of all.

Bloom Taxonomy– This buzzword refers to 6 higher-order thinking skills learning objectives teachers set to help their students learn better. These objectives focus on the different levels that learning progresses through. They help students answer complex questions that may arise from a lesson themselves. These Bloom Taxonomy objectives are- Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating. Click here to learn more.

Guided Learning– When introducing new concepts, topics or skills in the classroom, teachers can help students learn effectively by guiding them. This they do by using a scaffolding strategy to prepare the students for the new concepts they are about to learn. By reminding them of previous lessons/knowledge that holds some relevance to the new one. This is Scaffolding.

Teaching is a fun job and can be more exciting with the right information. Learn what is trending and implement them in your classroom for better output this year.

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